Coming Soom....!
If you are not satisfied with the decision/response of our call centers and support team, you may contact the Nodal (Officer) during working hours 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM, Monday to Sunday mentioning in brief the following details: The contact details of nodal officers are given below.
Write to nodal officer at with the complaint ticket number, your contact details, connection name, Connection account ID and brief of your complaint.
City | Nodal Officer | Office Address | Mobile No. | Email ID |
Gwalior (M.P.) | Santosh Sikarwar | House No.-23, Viveka Nand Colony, Jiwaji University Road, Gwalior-474011 (M.P.) | +91 9826270309 | |
If you are still not satisfied with the decision/response of “Nodal Officer Desk”. You may appeal before the Appellate Authority during working hours 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM, Monday to Sunday. Appeals only against the decision of the Nodal Officer are maintainable before the Appellate Authority, no other appeal / direct complaint shall be entertained.
The appeal shall be made in writing and filed in duplicate. The contact details of respective appellate authorities are mentioned below:-
Procedure for making appeals before the Appellate Authority
Appeal must be in the format prescribed in the regulation (in duplicate) - (Coming Soon) every appeal must be filed within 3 Months from the date of decision of the Nodal Officer. All appeals are generally disposed of within 3 Months from the date of filing of appeal. Appeals only against the decision of the Nodal Officer are maintainable before the Appellate Authority; no other appeal/direct complaint shall be entertained.
For detailed procedure on disposal of appeals by Appellate Authority please refer the TRAI Regulation on Consumer Protection and Redressal for Grievances (3 of 2007)
City | Nodal Officer Desk | Office Address | Mobile No. | Email ID |
Gwalior (M.P.) | Santosh Sikarwar | House No.-23, Viveka Nand Colony, Jiwaji University Road, Gwalior-474011 (M.P.) | +91 9826270309 | |
(See regulation 11 of the Telecom Consumers Protection and Redressal of Grievances Regulations, 2007)
Coming Soom....!